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══════// saudação \\══════sejam muito bem vindos familiainscreva-se, deixa seu like 👍comenta e compartilha, tmj !!══════// rede social junin03 La G 310 GS es sinónimo de disfrutar conduciendo, tanto en la ciudad de camino al trabajo como de excursión por los alrededores. En la relajada posición sentado típica de la GS no te perderás ni un detalle de todas las aventuras. Descubre toda la información sobre los datos técnicos y el amplio equipamiento de serie. Especificaciones técnicas. Motor. Tipo Motor de un cilindro y cuatro g 310 gs,设计上体现了著名且经典的 gs 精神:稳健、多样、独特。独特的气缸设置方式使车辆的重心降低,不仅仅从外观上识别这是一部经典gs,从内部也能够体现 bmw 摩托车专业技术和一贯严格的高质… 宝马G 310 GS: 发动机: 单缸水冷、四冲程、四气门、双顶置凸轮轴、湿式油底壳: 排量: 313cc: 缸径×冲程: 80mm×61.2mm: 最大功率: 21kW(28马力)/8250rpm 進化 全新世代 G 310 GS 走春優惠專案 挑戰冒險新生活 F750 GS / F850 GS 新春啟航 優惠專案 重返經典 R NineT 最新優惠 . Scooters. Tour. Roadster. Adventure. Heritage. Sport. 歷史. 加入LINE. Facbook 20.01.2021

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G 310 GS的前轮安装了300mm单盘,并配辐射式4活塞卡钳,提供充足的制动力;再配上后轮的240mm单盘+浮动式2活塞卡钳,控制300cc级单缸动力绰绰有余。为了强化各种路况下的刹车安全,G 310 GS标配了双通道ABS防抱死制动系统,让骑手在紧急刹车和弱抓地力路面制动时感到安心。同时,最新 … 推土机故障案例.pdf,网页 资讯 视频 图片 知道 文库 贴吧 采购 地图 | 百度首页 登录 VIP新客立减2元 意见反馈 下载客户端 2/19/2020 推土机故障案例 - 百度文库 首页 分类 精品内容 申请认证 机构合作 频道专区 会员中心 故障案例表 (一) 百度文库 专业资料 工程科技 机械/仪表 故障案例表 (一) SD320


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Con el BMW G 310 GS, puedes experimentar nuevas aventuras cada día. Descubre las numerosas características que te ayudan a conquistar tu ciudad y sus alrededores. With the BMW G 310 GS, BMW Motorrad is creating a new experience in the displacement segment below 500 ccm since 2016. Extremely compact, robust and highly versatile in design, it immediately established itself as a genuine BMW GS – especially for newcomers. Four years after its début, BMW Motorrad now presents the new BMW G 310 GS. Versatile, safer and more dynamic – whether in everyday G 310 GSは様々ライダーにちょうどいいサイズのシートを用意することで、ストレスを感じないリラックスした走りを実現します。標準シート高835 mmの他に、2つのオプションがあり、足つきの良いローシートは820 mm、ハイシートは850 mmで特に快適なシートと


G 310 GSは様々ライダーにちょうどいいサイズのシートを用意することで、ストレスを感じないリラックスした走りを実現します。標準シート高835 mmの他に、2つのオプションがあり、足つきの良いローシートは820 mm、ハイシートは850 mmで特に快適なシートと GP Kompozit G 310 GS Uyumlu Motor Koruma Demiri 2017-2020. 540,00 TL GP Kompozit G 310 GS Uyumlu Radyatör Koruma 2017-2020. 130,00 TL GP Kompozit G 310 Uyumlu Yan Çanta Demiri 2017-2020. 590,00 TL Haber Listesi Kaydol. Bizi Takip Edin KURUMSAL Hakkımızda BMW G 310 GS。 无论是往返于城市间,还是穿越郊外乡间、森林小径或崎岖山路,G 310 GS 能为每位骑手带来纯粹的骑行享受。经典的 GS 座椅位置带来轻松的坐驾感受,使骑手能够准确地观察前方,轻松应对每一个挑战。 技术数据. 发动机 结构形式 水冷单缸四冲程发动机,带有四个通过凸轮推杆操纵的 BMW G 310 GS 2021 - Fiche moto - la BMW G 310 GS. Une moto expressive d'aventures comme ses grandes soeurs, mais bien plus proche de la réalité économique des frontières de l'Asie. Avec un monocylindre de 34 chevaux, elle découvre les horizons, mais pour aller plus loin Benelli BMW G 310 GS BS4 was available in 1 variants at the price of 3.8 Lakh. Check out Mileage, Colors, Images, Specifications, Reviews of BMW G 310 GS BS4 at BikeDekho A G 310 GS percorre as ruas com facilidade e precisão em direção à próxima aventura. Algo novo, todos os dias. + Leia mais. Alturas do banco adequadas a cada estatura. A G 310 GS fornece o banco adequado para cada tipo de motociclista, desta forma permite uma pilotagem mais confortável. Além da altura do banco de série de 835 mm, estão disponíveis mais duas opções como acessórios 外观方面,虽然G 310 GS是一款入门级别冒险车,但看起来并不显得很“缩水”,这也要归功于GS系列经典的“鸟嘴形”车头设计,与前后行程180mm减振

The G 310 GS promises pure riding pleasure for all whether it's your daily commute in the city or a trip through the countryside, forest trails and rough roads. In a relaxed and slightly raised seat position, every challenge can be surveyed and negotiated with precision. Find out about all the technical data and standard equipment here. Technical data. Engine. Type Water-cooled, four-stroke With the BMW G 310 GS, BMW Motorrad is creating a new experience in the displacement segment below 500 ccm since 2016. Extremely compact, robust and highly versatile in design, it immediately established itself as a genuine BMW GS - especially for newcomers. Four years after its début, BMW Motorrad now presents the new BMW G 310 GS. Versatile, safer and more dynamic. The BMW G 310 GS rides on upside-down telescopic forks suspension at the front and a solid die-cast aluminium swingarm, directly hinged monoshock, adjustable preload suspension at the back. The bike is based on tubular steel with bolted rear frame chassis, and it gets its stopping bite from a 300mm disc at the front and a 240mm disc at the rear. Tit gets a 110/80 R19 section tyre at the front

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